
SOC 전체검색 결과

  • 게시판 19개
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채용공고 게시판 내 결과

  • 충북연구원 공고 제2016-00호 충북연구원 충북공공투자분석센터 연구인력 채용 재공고(안) 충북공공투자분석센터는 공공투자의 타당성 분석 및 지방재정 투자심사를 담당하고, 국책사업에 대응하기 위해 공공투자 분야의 정책을 발굴하는 전문 연구기관입니다. 본 연구센터에서는 공공투자 타당성 분석, 지방재정 투자심사, 국책사업 대응 등을 담당할 우수…

    2016-08-01 15:14:08

진행연구 게시판 내 결과


Research 게시판 내 결과

  • # ABSTRACT ························································································································· 82[ABSTRACT]The purpose of this study is to conduct a fact-finding survey on local safety governance about two years after the introduction of the autonomous police sy…

    2024-06-02 14:40:27
  • # ABSTRACT ························································································································· 95[ABSTRACT]Recently, agriculture is in a difficult and difficult situation due to the continuous decline and aging of the farm population, the decrease in cultivated …

    2024-06-02 14:32:41
  • # ABSTRACT ························································································································· 135[ABSTRACT]Compared to the importance of climate change adaptation, current climate change adaptation policies and projects tend to be perceived as one of many sub-p…

    2024-06-02 14:29:45
  • I. Introduction ·································································································································· 9 1. The background and purpose of the study ··········································································· 9 2. The method and content of t…

    2024-06-02 14:25:36
  • I. Introduction ·································································································································· 7 1. Research background and purpose ························································································ 7 2. Research scope and met…

    2024-06-02 14:11:24
  • Chapter I. Introduction ················································································································· 111. Background and Purpose of the Study ················································································ 112. Scope and Methodology of the Study …

    2024-06-02 14:06:34
  • # ABSTRACT ························································································································· 103[ABSTRACT]In today's world, a vast amount of information is disseminated through various media channels. The field of healthcare is no exception, as medical and hea…

    2024-06-02 14:00:44
  • # ABSTRACT ························································································································· 77[ABSTRACT]Due to the impact of the cement industry, the northern region of Chungbuk Province, designated as a cement production area, exhibits a higher proportion of…

    2024-06-02 13:49:06